Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Day of Firsts

Today's workout was decent yet tiring. I've felt a bug coming on over the last couple of days and I can only hope it's mostly mental! What better way to start a new job than by having to call in sick?? For now I'll just have to make Emergen-C my little buddy and hope my massive sweat sessions are kicking it's butt. My tangerine Emergen-C in all it's glory..

Today's Gym Workout : 1 hour elliptical - Variety
6 sets of 10 - Torso rotations(my favorite machine)
3 sets of 10 - Ab Crunches
3 sets of 10 - Bicep curls
15 minutes - bike

Breaking in my new blog with such a fantastic topic, work.
I got a new job cocktailing at a bar in Downtown Raleigh. For creeper-filter reasons, I wont share the name. It'll be an adjustment from usually partaking in festivities downtown offers rather going to be the one serving the beverages! But I'm definitely excited to get into the scene and hopefully it'll be lucrative as well ; ) But first...paperwork.